  1. Earns First Commission in 3 Hours.
  2. $5,000/Week Average Payout.
  3. 2 Hour Set Up – Works 24/7 All Week Long on Autopilot.
  4. $500 Profit in 24 Hours.
  5. No Limits – Best Week Over $9,000 in Profit
  6. Completely automated with AI Software.
  7. No experience needed – Click by click instructions.
  8. 60-Day first commission guarantee – You Get Paid or This Program Costs You Nothing.
  9. Working in 2024 – The Easiest and Fastest Work-From-Home Opportunity.

Get Auto-Affiliate AI At A Low One-Time Price

$97 monthly – Pay Just $17 Once And Use Forever!

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If you’re looking for an easy side hustle in 2024 then you need to read every word on this page.
That’s because you’re about to discover the beginner-friendly AI system that generates $2,000-$8,000 a week in pure profit completely on autopilot:
Now the unusual thing about this AI is that it requires only 2 hours to set up and earns commissions all week long with:
NO Sales funnels or landing pages…
NO solo ads, facebook ads, or advertising of any kind…
NO list building or email marketing…
and NO product creation, selling, or copywriting…
Instead this beginner-friendly AI uses sneaky ‘click magnets’ to send thousands of buyers through your affiliate link earning you fast commissions.
A recent test run of this system generated the first commission in just 3 hours and nearly $5,000 by the end of the test:

Introducing: Auto-Affiliate AI

Auto-Affiliate AI is the only Automated Affiliate system that generates $5,000/week in affiliate commissions without sales funnels, email marketing, or advertising.
I’ve take all the guesswork out of affiliate marketing by taking the fastest, most beginner-friendly commission strategy and trained a ChatGTP system to implement the whole thing automatically.
Inside Auto-Affiliate AI you’ll discover: 
How to run this business in 2 hours per week with $0 out-of-pocket expense.
Step-by-step beginner-friendly instructions with no technical requirements.
Our Auto-Affiliate AI campaigns average $5,000/week in profits.
No ad buying required – all traffic comes from free sources.
No sales funnels or landing pages – Clicks go directly to your affiliate links.
No manual content creation – Everything is generated with pre-trained AI.
Generates affiliate link clicks immediately, first sale hours after getting started.
Guaranteed affiliate approval with commissions as high as 85%.
Automation allows anyone to earn maximum money in minimum time.
How to recession-proof this opportunity to work in any economy: your passive income only grows year after year.

Get Auto-Affiliate AI At A Low One-Time Price

$97 monthly – Pay Just $17 Once And Use Forever!

Click Here For Instant Access
Limited-Time Only – This Offer Is Expiring Soon…

$100,000 Per Month Passive Income?

Now before I show you this powerful new AI you might be wondering…
Who the heck am I and why should you listen to me?
Well my name is Luther Landro and for the past 10 years I’ve run an affiliate marketing business from home that earns me over $100,000 a month in sales and commissions:
You see, affiliate marketing is the ultimate ‘lifestyle business’.  
Unlike running an ecommerce store or consulting local biz owners, anyone can run an affiliate marketing business all:

Without creating products…

Without dealing with local clients…

And without having to spend thousands of dollars on inventory…

Instead you earn a 50-85% commission promoting other people’s products online.
Now I’ve been teaching regular folks around the country to build thier own online business with affiliate marketing.
Many of these students have gone on to earn passive 6-7 figure incomes working just a few hours per week from home:
By far the number one question I get asked by new students is:

What is the fastest and easiest way to just get started and earn my first $10,000 online?

The Auto-Affiliate AI is designed to answer that question. 

Live Demo: $4,948.59 in One Week

Let me give you a demonstration of the Auto-Affiliate AI in action.
2 weeks ago, I set up a brand-new Auto-Affiliate AI campaign to promote one of the top selling affiliate products.
Now keep in mind the results you’re about to see are completely from scratch.
Now one of the secrets to running a successful affiliate business is to always promote the latest trending product. That’s why I recommend setting up a new Auto-Affiliate AI campaign each week.
It only takes 2 hours to set up and the AI goes to work generating clicks and affiliate commissions all week long:
As you can see some weeks earn more than others depending on the product that gets promoted…
However, I’ve been averaging around $5,000 a week in purely passive income with the Auto-Affiliate AI.

Disclaimer: These are my personal results, and I can’t legally guarantee you will do the same. Most people don’t make any money with affiliate marketing and your results could be better or worse than mine.

I Earn Money When You Earn Money

Now you might be asking if this works so well for you… Why not keep this to yourself?…
Why would you let anyone else use it?
Well, that’s because, with Auto-Affiliate AI, I earn money when you earn money.
You see, I’ve been selling my own products on affiliate networks for years. During that time, I’ve personally paid out close to $2 million in affiliate commissions:
I originally created the auto-affiliate AI to help these partners generate more sales of my products.
Seeing just how easy it was for them to generate sales and commissions, I decided to release the Auto-Affiliate AI to the general public in hopes of attracting more affiliates to my offers.
You are free to promote any offers you want with your Auto-Affiliate AI. However, I’ve prepared a special bonus as an ‘ethical bribe’ in hopes you will use this system to become my next super affiliate.
Either way, rest assured… Our interests are completely aligned.

Get Auto-Affiliate AI At A Low One-Time Price

$97 monthly – Pay Just $17 Once And Use Forever!

Click Here For Instant Access
Limited-Time Only – This Offer Is Expiring Soon…

All The Work Is Done For You

This AI system may seem simple since it only takes 2 hours to set up… Yet behind the scenes, it uses powerful sales strategies to generate as many clicks through your affiliate link as possible, so you earn top dollar with every campaign.
Everything works on autopilot 24/7, all with:
NO Sales funnels or landing pages…
NO sales funnels to create…
NO marketing emails to write…
NO buying ads on Facebook, Google, or Instagram…
You spend 2 hours setting this up, and you’re done for the week!
The Auto-Affiliate AI goes out there and does all the heavy lifting, generating sales and commissions all week long.

Auto-Affiliate AI is a Shortcut

Most home income opportunities requires you to create or source products, handle marketing, spend a ton of money on advertising… Then having to deal with support requests, refunds, and product delivery AFTER you’ve been paid.
Auto-Affiliate AI takes away all the work allowing anyone to earn 6-figures as a part time side hustle in just a few hours per week:
Perhaps the best part is how easy Auto-Affiliate AI is for beginners.
Regular folks with no previous experience, no technical expertise, and no sales background are earning thousands of dollars their first month.

3 Steps To Your First $5,000 Check

Auto-Affiliate AI generates fast commissions in 3 automated steps:

Step 1: Pick a trending product to promote.

This AI uses my ‘trending product’ formula to find the hottest-selling product that week and grabs an affiliate referral link for you.
Promoting the hottest product each week ensures you generate the most traffic and earn the most money possible with every promotion.
Auto-Affiliate AI takes away all the guesswork and simply picks it for you.

Step 2: Auto-generate ‘Click-Magnets’.

Auto-Affiliate AI looks at the product’s sales page and generates unique ‘Click magnets’…
Images, videos, gifs, and short posts that are designed to capture attention and get people clicking on your affiliate link.

Step 3: Auto-post these magnets in front of buyers.

In the last step, the Auto-Affiliate AI puts these click magnets in front of buyers by auto-posting them on forums, private niche groups, social media, Reddit, and Pinterest, and ranking them in Google search.
You earn a commission every time one of these buyers clicks on your link, then buys a product… You get paid even if the buyer makes their purchase months after clicking on your link:
Normally, this beginner-friendly strategy requires hours of manual work each day to create and post content… Totally worth it to earn $10,000-$20,000 a month.
However, with Auto-Affiliate AI, the whole process is automated for you. After just two hours of setup, the AI works tirelessly all week long without mistakes.
The AI generates clicks and sales 24/7 while you take the rest of the week off. 

Auto-Affiliate AI Works For Anyone Regardless Of Experience

If you’re just starting out, this AI is by far the fastest way to get you to $10,000 a month quickly in affiliate marketing.

If you’re already earning a little money as an affiliate, Auto Affiliate AI will help you transition to becoming a full-time affiliate marketer, leaving behind any current day job.

If you’re already a million-dollar super affiliate, Auto-Affiliate AI will allow you to tap into a brand-new traffic source helping you grow your business to any level you desire.

Affiliate Marketing Freed Me To Have The Life I Desire, On My Terms.

I live a fairly simple life… I don’t drive a Ferrari or fly a private Jet. Sure, I have a huge 6,000sq foot house and take 6 vacations a year with my family.
However, I’m just an ordinary family man who values his time more than flashy objects.
Having a passive 6-figure income source makes life easier in the little ways:
Fire your boss – Have enough money that you can walk away from any situation. You are a slave to no one and can adopt a ‘take no crap’ philosophy. 
ZERO debt, tremendous savings, and 800 credit score – My debts are entirely paid off, and all my bills are paid ahead of time. This has boosted my credit and made everything cheaper. Think about it: With good credit comes lower mortgage rates, credit card rates, and bonus perks only offered to those with good credit. 
Bills are paid ahead of time – I have enough saved to pay my bills for the next 3 years. Every month I receive a statement saying I owe $0 because the bills have been pre-paid. The stress I used to feel is just gone…
An emergency fund for anything that comes your way – Life happens. Maybe the most important thing this program has given me is the peace of mind of a nest egg for my family that can be used to solve any problem that comes our way. 
Work on my own time – Some days, I sleep late. Some nights I go to bed early. Some days I just play with my kids. I plan my work around my life and not my life around my work. 
Work from anywhere – My family and I moved to a quiet little community that has been a blessing for us. We spend summers away in different parts of the world. All the while, I can run my business from my laptop. This has been a fantastic experience for myself and my children. 

If You've Ever Tried To Earn Money From Home And Failed, It's Not Your Fault

If you have ever tried a ‘make money from home’ program in the past, you’ve probably realized they are not as easy as they are made out to be.
The case against most online income programs:
Amazon FBA – Huge upfront cost buying products from China then waiting months for them to arrive at Amazon’s warehouse. Then cross your fingers, hoping people buy them, only making a 5-10% markup if you sell your inventory. And even if you are successful, odds are someone else will copy you at a lower price and run you out of business within a year. 
Product Creation – Spend thousands of dollars and months of work creating a course only to have spend thousands more on sales funnels and advertising before you make your first sale. Then having to provide 24/7 support to customers after you have sold your products.
Local Consulting – Consulting on your own means you need to cold call and sell businesses dealing with painful rejection every day while competing with the big agencies to provide a better service (impossible on your own or even with a small team).
I’ve been involved in all of these business models with varying degrees of success over the years, and I’d rather earn my $50,000 a month passive checks any day.

There's an Easy, Proven Way to Earn Money Online. 

Earning a real income online is not about trying to reinvent the wheel or jump on the latest fad or trend. 
It’s about copying what it proven to work and follow time-tested strategies that will continue to produce profits well into the future. Jumping in front of an already existing flow of money that is there for the taking. 
Auto-Affiliate AI taps into the same reliable traffic source used by Uber, PayPal, AirBnb, and most of the top super affiliates on all the big networks. 
It’s an established business model that is set to double in size over the next 5 years. 

Everything You Need is Included. 

Auto-AffiliateAI gives you everything you need to tap into this $9 Billion Dollar traffic source and start earning affiliate commissions starting today. 
I worked to create and on-demand coaching program that anyone can follow to clone this business and duplicate my results earning commissions quickly. 
This program walks you through everything you need to run this business and start earning 6 figures in your spare time.
Inside you’ll discover: 
How to run this business in 2 hours per week with $0 out-of-pocket expense.
Step-by-step beginner-friendly instructions with no technical requirements.
Our Auto-Affiliate AI campaigns average $5,000/week in profits.
No ad buying required – all traffic comes from free sources.
No sales funnels or landing pages – Clicks go directly to your affiliate links.
No manual content creation – Everything is generated with pre-trained AI.
Generates affiliate link clicks immediately, first sale hours after getting started.
Guaranteed affiliate approval with commissions as high as 85%.
Automation allows anyone to earn maximum money in minimum time.
How to recession-proof this opportunity to work in any economy: your passive income only grows year after year.

Did I Mention These Crazy Super Bonuses:

For the first few people to claim their copy of the Auto-Affiliate AI, I’m offering not one but four super bonuses.

Bonus 1: Guaranteed affiliate approval with commission bump to 75%

To help you get started with your first campaign (and as an ethical bribe to promote my products), I’m guaranteeing your approval as an affiliate for my entire product catalog.
I’m also going to bump your commission rate to 75% across all products, including my private offers, which are only available to inner circle members.

Bonus 2: My emergency $500 quick cash formula.

This guide gives you creative ways to earn $500 online quickly when you need it.
Use it anytime you are strapped for cash in your business and just need a little help.

Bonus 3: Zero-hour workday guide

This guide is how to turn your Auto-Affiliate AI into a ‘zero-hour workday’.
Inside, you’ll find a Rolodex of outsourcers who will do all the work for you, allowing you to reap the rewards without any work at all.

Bonus 4: Profit calculator.

I’m also including my affiliate profit calculator as my gift to you for joining the Auto-Affiliate AI program.
This is the very same calculator I use every time I send a promotion to calculate what my profit will be before I take any action.
Use it every time you send an email, set up a funnel, or decide whether to promote a certain affiliate product.
Yours free when you invest in the Auto-Affiliate AI today. 

You're Protected By Our Iron-Clad 60-Day Guarantee

Auto-Affiliate AI is Guaranteed to Work For You, or You Pay Nothing.
Now legally, I can’t guarantee that you will make money; however, I can guarantee your satisfaction.
And so I want you to try Auto-Affiliate AI on me for a full 60 days.
If during that time you don’t get the results that you desire
If you don’t find this to be the easiest way to earn passive income from home…
Or even if you don’t like my color choices in the member’s area, any reason at all…
Just send me a support ticket with the word refund, and I’ll send you back every penny.

No questions, no hassles.

You can even keep your copy of Auto-Affiliate AI as my gift for trying it out.

Look at Everything You Are Getting Inside Auto-Affiliate AI:

Auto-Affiliate AI System and Prompts – $97 value
Step-By-Step Training Program – $97 value
2-Hour Follow Along Quick Start Guide – $97 value
On-Demand Coaching Program – $497/Month Value
Bonus 1: Guaranteed approval and commission bump – $297 Value
Bonus 2: Emergency Cash Booster (first few sales only) – $47 Value
Bonus 3: Zero-Hour Workday Automator – $197 Value
Bonus 4: Profit Calculator – $197 Value
Personal Coaching from me to help you get started – $497 Value
Total Value of Everything


$1,962 + $497/month

Get Auto-Affiliate AI At A Low One-Time Price

$97 monthly – Pay Just $17 Once And Use Forever!

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Limited-Time Only – This Offer Is Expiring Soon…

Don't Decide Now...

Try This Risk-Free On Me.
Take advantage of my unconditional triple guarantee.
Just try AUto-Affiliate AI on me for a full 60 days.
If you don’t book start generating affiliate sales in that time…
If you don’t earn the money, you feel you deserve…
Even if you don’t like the color choices in the guidebook and reason at all…
Just send me an email with the word refund, and I’ll send you back every penny. No questions, no hassles.
You can even keep the coaching program and all the bonuses as my gift for trying it out.

Are You Ready to Experience True Financial Freedom?

Are you ready to give up the 9-5 grind?
Are you ready to pay off your debts and start building real wealth?
Auto-Affiliate AI is the most reliable, stable way to do it.
YOU now have everything you need to cash in on this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Right Now, You Have 3 Choices.

Choice 1 is you can do nothing, which leads to a place called nowhere.

Your debt will continue to pile up while slaving away for 40 hours a week, helping make other people rich.

Choice 2is you can take the information on this page and try to go it alone. Sure, if you take careful notes, you’ll see some success… However, you’ll be learning the hard way through trial and error.

Or Choice 3, the smart choice Join the Auto-Affiliate AI coaching program to have all the work done for you and start experiencing financial freedom today.

I know you’ll make the only smart choice, and I’ll see you inside.
– Luther Landro.

P.S. Regular folks all around the world are using Auto-Affiliate to bank $10,000 a month or more working from home.

YOU have a full 60 days to put this to work for you with your satisfaction backed by an iron-clad 100% 60-day guarantee.

P.P.S. This offer is only good for the next few days, and I am NOT keeping this promotion open for long.

Get Auto-Affiliate AI At A Low One-Time Price

$97 monthly – Pay Just $17 Once And Use Forever!

Click Here For Instant Access
Limited-Time Only – This Offer Is Expiring Soon…


Q: What is this?

A: Auto-Affiliate AI is an on-demand coaching program that teaches you to build an AI system to generate affiliate commissions.

Q: Is this something I have never seen before?

A: This method has NEVER been revealed publicly. These funnels have never been sold before and the traffic sources have never been talked about publicly. This is the first time I’m showing any of this.

Q: Is this really newbie-friendly?

A: Absolutely! Everything is presented in a step-by-step fashion that uses copy/paste materials. No experience is needed. If you can send an email, you can run this business from home.

Q: How exactly does this work?

A: You spend 2 hours generating content with AI and scheduling it to post through out the week. This content generates clicks and sends it through your affiliate link earning you commissions.

Q: Does this include a free traffic method?

A: YES! This entire method uses free traffic to earn affiliate commissions.

Q: How much can I make with this?

A: Legally, we can’t guarantee that you make any money with this as most people won’t put it into action. That said, the commission on each affiliate sale range from $50 – $1,000.

Q: How long until I start making money using this?

A: Customers have seen their first commission check in as little as 24 hours. However, how long it takes depends entirely on how fast you are willing to put this into action.

Q: Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

A: YES! You have a full 60 days to try this out for yourself. If you are not completely 100% satisfied, for any reason at all, just send me a quick email with the word refund, and I’ll send you back every penny. No hassles, no questions.

Q: How do I get instant access to this?

A: After you click the buy button and complete the checkout, you will be granted immediate access to the member’s area, where you can access everything listed, as well as a few more surprise bonuses I have for you.

Q: How can someone start an affiliate marketing business part-time while keeping their full-time job?

A: This requires only 2 hours per week to run once you’ve learned the system. You are free to spend the rest of the week however you like.

Q: How do I get access to this? 

A: After you click the buy button and complete the checkout, you will get immediate access to the member’s area, where you can access everything listed, as well as a few more surprise bonuses I have for you. Your login will arrive in your email inbox with the subject line “your login info…” shortly after purchase. If you don’t receive this email message, please open a ticket at landroinnercircle.com/support/  

Get Auto-Affiliate AI At A Low One-Time Price

$97 monthly – Pay Just $17 Once And Use Forever!

Click Here For Instant Access
Limited-Time Only – This Offer Is Expiring Soon…